Golden Anniversary - Andrew MacThomas Of Finegand

Andrew MacThomas of Finegand

Andrew MacThomas of Finegand

On 18 May 2020 Andrew MacThomas of Finegand celebrates 50 years as Chief of the Clan MacThomas. To honour this remarkable achievement, we are releasing a new pipe tune called “Andrew MacThomas of Finegand” composed by Adam MacThomas specially for the occasion.

Adam MacThomas

Adam MacThomas

Adam MacThomas lives in Germany and is a long-standing member of the Clan MacThomas Society. He is a professional musician and can be contacted through his website. Adam was judged the winner of a pipe tune competition run by the Society; his tune is played on the video by the Chief’s personal Piper, Ron Thom from Australia.

Congratulations Andrew MacThomas of Finegand for 50 years as Chief of the Clan, and congratulations Adam MacThomas for such an outstanding composition!

Hear the tune on YouTube.

Download the pipe tune’s score.